Our Specialties

Photo by Dario Fernandez Ruz

Studies show therapy is more successful when you and your therapist are a good match. On this page you’ll learn what kinds of therapists work at Strive Psychotherapy, the types of clients we specialize in treating, and how we approach our work.

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A dynamic team of therapists with varied backgrounds in psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). We treat a wide array of mental health struggles and neurodevelopmental issues affecting young adults, teens and children. (Most of our clients are between the ages of 12 and 30.) In many cases, involving family members is crucial and family therapy becomes part of treatment. We’re queer friendly and we provide a welcoming, non-judgmental environment for all our clients. We believe clients are experts on their own lives, so we meet them where they are and work to build upon their strengths. We have a detailed understanding of neurodevelopmental diagnoses, such as ADHD, autism spectrum, and specific learning differences. We work with ADHD clients and clients on the autism spectrum, and we’re experienced at treating executive function issues.

Strive Psychotherapy specializes in helping teens, college students and young adults deal with the experiences and issues that impact them. Treatment may also include family counseling to provide support, education, and strategies for parents and siblings to better understand and interact with the individual.

Many of our clients come to us when one or more of the following issues begin to negatively impact their academic, professional, or personal lives.

  • They feel depressed and can’t seem to recover.

  • They feel anxious and can’t stop worrying or ruminating.

  • They feel self-conscious in everyday social situations.

  • They feel unable to pay attention at school, work, or in their relationships.

  • They feel unable to cope with a new stage of life and new responsibilities.

  • They’re extremely upset by any disruption to their routine.

  • They feel unable to bounce back from rejection or failure.

  • They have trouble knowing how to handle social situations and it affects their self-esteem.

  • They have substance abuse issues.

  • They’re unable to stop or moderate behaviors like viewing pornography, playing video games, checking social media, binge-watching videos, spending and shopping, or gambling.

Strive therapists provide a strengths-based, person centered approach to psychotherapy which if indicated, can include cognitive-behavioral interventions. We believe that the client is the expert in their life, and we focus on building on their strengths instead of trying to fix weaknesses.

We offer skills-based resources, like mindfulness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation, that help clients to cope more effectively at school, work, and in relationships. 

People with ADHD often experience anxiety, depression and low self-esteem due to constantly having to cope with their symptoms. A lifetime of being challenged by time management, planning and preparation, and other tasks that “should be easy,” can result in limiting beliefs that lead to mental health struggles. The therapists at Strive specialize in treating these issues. We have evidence-based tools that can teach you to recognize limiting beliefs and move you toward a more positive and productive way of being.

Just like with all our clients, we employ a person-centered approach, focusing on the individual's unique abilities, interests, and communication styles. We work to understand our autistic clients’ perspectives and adapt our methods to suit their comfort level and preferences. We offer cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy to help them learn to recognize and reframe negative thought patterns, manage anxiety, develop distress tolerance skills, and build emotional regulation skills to support cognitive processes during overstimulation.

No, we do not offer Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Our strengths-based approach means our therapists adapt to their clients’ preferred interests, abilities, and communication styles. We do offer cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) to help clients with ASD learn to recognize and reframe negative thought patterns, manage anxiety, develop distress tolerance skills, and build emotional regulation skills to support cognitive processes during overstimulation.

About Us - Strive Psychotherapy in Boulder, Colorado

Strive supports our clients struggling with substance or behavioral overuse issues using two different approaches: abstinence-based treatment and harm-reduction. Each approach embodies different goals, methods, and underlying beliefs about the nature of addiction and how it should be addressed.

Abstinence-Based Treatment

Abstinence-based treatment is based on the belief that one must give up all addictive substances or behaviors to experience recovery.

Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction seeks to minimize the negative consequences of using addictive substances or behaviors while working towards stopping. It also recognizes that stopping might not be immediately possible or even desired by all parties.

We believe, to offer the best chance of recovery and improved quality of life, addiction treatment must be personalized and consider the needs and preferences of the individual. We work collaboratively with our clients to determine the best path forward to meet their goals and support optimal health and recovery.

Yes, we offer family therapy. In many cases, involving family members is crucial. Psychotherapy may include family counseling to provide support, education, and strategies for parents and siblings to better understand and interact with the individual. This is especially common for our clients on the autism spectrum.